Via G. Borsi, 9 – Milano
T +39 02 6596329

Media Relations & Press Office

Our mission is to build personalized communication pathways to different audiences using our favorite tools: public relations and press office. We believe in optimizing our customers’ communication plans with strategic consultancy, innovative monitoring and results-based analysis.

PR strategy

Developing strategic projects is one of our favorite things to do. We like to start out by sharing goals and analyzing available information before creating new and unique stories. We aim to optimize our customers’ visibility, and we do so by getting opinion leaders and ambassadors from different industries involved, using the most effective tools and communication channels.

Media Relations

Through relationships with traditional and digital media, we amplify brand awareness and strengthen the reputations of managers, companies and institutions. This is why we are armed and ready to field communication flows that follow market developments thanks to constant media monitoring, including press, radio, TV and internet.


What we can do for your business?